Spicing Up Veggies

Vegetables –love them or hate them – they are an important part of most meals.  Cooking go-to veggies the same way again & again will bore the taste buds of even the most ardent veggie lover. By adding a sprinkle of herbs or spices to your vegetables, you can take their flavor to a whole new level with less than a minute’s work. Use our handy spice-vegetable reference table to ignite your palette, impress your dinner guests or motivate your kids to have a few extra bites.


Vegetables –love them or hate them – they are an important part of most meals.  Often people have their go-to favourites, which they tend to cook the same way over and over, causing boredom for even the most ardent veggie lover.

Are there some vegetables you won’t touch? Are there some you see at the store or receive in a CSA bag that you have no idea how to cook? Do you repeatedly dress steamed vegetables with a drizzle of olive oil and salt, sauté them with butter or hurriedly microwave from frozen? By adding a sprinkle of herbs or spices to your vegetables, you can take their flavor to a whole new level with less than a minute’s work.  Ignite your palette, impress your dinner guests or motivate your kids to have a few extra bites – simply by trying different herbs and spices on your vegetables.

The following table shows which spices pair best with each vegetable. Spice harmonies are spice combinations that especially complement each other and the vegetable. Be bold and dare to try something new!Spices can be added directly to the vegetable or used in an accompanying dip or sauce. For instance, sprinkle lemon juice, garlic salt and red pepper (chili) flakes on cucumber slices for a refreshing snack with a kick. Alternatively, make a yogurt-based dip that includes garlic, sea salt and chili flakes for cucumber spears.



Spice Pairings

Suggested Spice Harmonies

Artichoke Bay leaves, black pepper, chives, garlic, parsley, oregano, thyme Black pepper, garlic, sea salt and parsley
Asparagus Chives, garlic, mustard, onion salt, sesame seeds, tarragon, white pepper Black pepper, garlic, sea salt and sesame seeds
Avocado Black pepper, cumin, garlic, onion powder, paprika, red pepper flakes (chili flakes) Cumin, garlic, sea salt, onion powder and chili flakes
Beans Bay leaves, black pepper, cumin, garlic salt, onion powder, parsley, red (cayenne) pepper, tarragon Black pepper, parsley and tarragon
Beets Allspice, basil, black pepper, caraway, curry, dill, garlic powder, ginger, mint, oregano, star anise Black pepper, dill and garlic powder
Bell/Sweet Peppers Basil, garlic, onion powder, oregano, parsley, rosemary Basil, garlic, sea salt, onion powder and parsley
Broccoli Black pepper, caraway, chili powder, dill, garlic, ginger, oregano, red (cayenne) pepper, sea salt, turmeric Chili powder and garlic, sea salt
Brussel Sprouts Basil, black pepper, caraway, celery seeds, ginger, mustard, nutmeg, paprika, parsley, red (cayenne) pepper Ginger, nutmeg and cayenne
Cabbage Caraway seeds, celery seeds, coriander, fennel seeds, juniper berries, mustard, tarragon, thyme Black pepper, mustard and celery seeds
Carrots Allspice, basil, bay leaves, caraway seeds, cilantro, coriander, cloves, fennel, garlic, ginger, parsley, thyme Cilantro, cumin, garlic powder and parsleyGinger and garlic
Cauliflower Basil, caraway, chives, coriander, curry, fennel, garlic, nutmeg, paprika, sage, turmeric, white pepper Coriander, curry powder, garlic, sea salt, turmeric and white pepper
Celery Basil, caraway, garlic, parsley, paprika, sage, thyme, white pepper Garlic salt, thyme and white pepperParsley, dill, onion powder, garlic powder, black pepper and sea salt
Corn Basil, red (cayenne) pepper, celery seeds, chives, dill, parsley, pepper, oregano, sage, thyme Pepper, sage and thyme
Cucumbers Basil, red (cayenne) pepper, celery seeds, dill, garlic, mint, mustard seeds, parsley, red pepper flakes (chili flakes), thyme Garlic, sea salt and chili flakesCelery seeds, dill and sea salt
Eggplant Basil, bay leaves, coriander, garlic powder, nutmeg, oregano, paprika, parsley, red (cayenne) pepper Basil, garlic powder, oregano and parsley
Kale Allspice, black pepper, caraway, coriander, cumin, garlic powder, marjoram, pink peppercorns, red (cayenne) pepper, tarragon, thyme Garlic powder and cayenne
Kohlrabi Basil, bay leaves, chives, coriander, dill, fennel seeds, mustard, parsley Bay and mustard
Onion Basil, bay leaves, caraway seeds, mustard seeds, nutmeg, oregano, parsley, pepper, sage, thyme Bay leaves, parsley and pepper
Peas Chives, dill, garlic, mint, onion powder, paprika, parsley, pepper rosemary, sage, tarragon, thyme Garlic, sea salt, parsley, pepper and thyme
Potatoes Caraway seeds, chives, dill, garlic, marjoram, paprika, parsley, rosemary, thyme, turmeric, white pepper Garlic, sea salt, rosemary and white pepperSea salt, paprika, black pepper, oregano, thyme, and cayenne
Pumpkin Allspice, celery seeds, cinnamon, cloves, curry, ginger, nutmeg, onion powder, sage, thyme Allspice, cinnamon, cloves, ginger and nutmeg
Radish Chives, dill, mint, parsley Parsley, chives and dill
Spinach Allspice, basil, dill, garlic, nutmeg, onion powder, pepper, tarragon, thyme Garlic, sea salt, onion powder and pepper
Squash Celery seeds, cilantro, marjoram, onion powder, Nigella, parsley, rosemary, sage, thyme Cilantro and onion powder
Sweet Potatoes Allspice, anise, cardamom, cayenne, cinnamon, cloves, ginger, nutmeg Anise, cinnamon and ginger
Tomato Basil, black pepper, cayenne, cilantro, cumin, fennel seeds, garlic powder, oregano, parsley, red (cayenne) pepper, rosemary, saffron, tarragon, thyme Garlic, oregano, parsley, rosemary and sea saltBasil, garlic and sea salt
Turnip Basil, caraway, dill, marjoram, mustard, parsley, pepper, rosemary, thyme Pepper and thyme
Yam Allspice, cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg Cardamom, cinnamon and ginger
Zucchini Basil, garlic, oregano, parsley, pepper Oregano, parsley and pepper